Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Cardio Conundrum...

Here are some pointers when using the machines for your cardio activity: (a) try not hold on to the side rails while you are on the treadmill, or lean forward and prop yourself up if you are on the stair stepper, that makes it easier on you and defeats the purpose. (b) Always monitor your effort and how you feel while on the machine. Then when you are finished you can rate your workout and make a decision about whether or not to do the same program/routine again. (c) Try not to be fixated on the numbers that are displayed on the machine console during your training. You can put a towel over the console and that will help make the workout more challenging by making your body expect the unexpected. (d) Think about how you are feeling prior to your workout and pick the right machine. For example, if you want to target more muscle groups then use the elliptical, which incorporates a push/pull motion with the arms along with leg movement.

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